Our Location
3460 Humboldt St, Denver, CO 80205

Sunday Worship Service
English – 10:00 AM
Spanish – 11:30 AM
Vacation Bible School 2014

Summer Bible Camp

Come join us for Bible Camp.  The year, we will follow the Gangway To Galilee series which sails you to sites all around the Sea of Galilee. With an emphasis throughout the program of “Amazing Grace”. This sailing adventure is sure to inspire excite and amaze. Don’t Miss the Boat!

Vacation Bible School will mostly be geared toward kids aged 4-12, but there will be activities for younger children and adults as well.

Online Registration

Are you excited for Vacation Bible School?  Use the form below to let us know you’re coming!  If you have any questions or comments, tell us those too.  We’ll get back to you right away.

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